Michael Brauss is the president of Proto Manufacturing. He has over 25 years experience in the research, design, development and application development of x-ray diffraction (XRD) systems. With over thirty publications and multiple patents, his inventions and developments include: automated residual stress mapping; iXRD portable stress analysis system, (world’s smallest and fastest system); iXRD combo systems; and LXRD laboratory stress system and gantry robot systems. Mr. Brauss also pioneered practical field usage of XRD stress analysis, in-line production applications and fully automated applications. He also serves on the ASTM E28.13 residual stress subcommittee.
Our Mission
- Improve the quality and control of shot peening and blast cleaning processes to meet increased demands in critical applications such as aerospace, automotive, medical, mining and more
- Expand levels of professionalism and craftmanship throughout the industry
- Offer an exam and certification program to denote higher levels of education for individuals and organizations
- Provide a forum for vendors to share their products and services with end-users