The EI Shot Peening Training (EI SPT) Certification Program can be conducted over two days at a customer’s facility. This private on-site training contains the same FAA-Accepted Course Material given at our popular Seminars and Workshops around the world. The lecture based training is based on, but not limited to, SAE specifications J442, J443, J2277, AMS2430 and AMS2431. Proprietary corporate specifications and/or job instructions may also be discussed if provided by the customer.
An on-site training also provides the opportunity for an EI SPT instructor to evaluate if a company‘s equipment and procedures are meeting process requirements.
Training Outline
EI SPT’s training programs are accepted by the FAA as special process courses for the aviation/aerospace industry.
The first day of the training consists of the Level 1 (beginner) Shot Peening Course (FAA course #C-IND-IM-130813-K-006-001). The second day consists of the the Level 2 (advanced) Shot Peening Course (FAA course #C-IND-IM-130813-K-006-002). EI SPT Achievement Exams are included with on-site trainings and given at the end of each day. Each student receives a bound reference book of the pertinent EI SPT material1 presented during the training.
Time available at the end of each day may permit shop floor exercises and equipment evaluation. Advanced material may be added by the instructor if time allows and student comprehension level warrants.
Training Cost
The Shot Peening two-day training has a base price of $8,700 USD*. This price includes having up to 5 students taking part in the training. Additional students can be added at the rate of $700 USD each.
*Instructor(s) travel and lodging expenses are not included in the training’s base price. A quote must be generated for each on-site training, since travel distance, travel dates and location expense vary per location. Large groups or training circumstances may require additional cost and/or a second instructor.
1Digital distribution and/or recording of EI SPT material, in any format, is not permitted.
Customized Training Topics
On-site training can be customized to address an organization’s specific needs including:
- equipment and processes,
- audit preparation,
- specifications,
- and much more.
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